3. Using the AccelNET Tools

All of the tools listed here may be started from the AccelNET menu.


The page display program. See the section titled "Introduction to Xcrt" for more information.


Creates a small window containing the GVM readback in a large font size. It provides a method for placing the terminal voltage readback permanently on the screen.


The BPM assignment program.


An error logging program that displays messages sent from other parts of AccelNET such as the interlock manager. AccelNET may be configured (via the database) to provide error messages for many types of events.

Print Params

Prints out a list of the machine parameters. Clicking the menu entry invokes a submenu containing the choices of what to log. The submenu contains ion source and target beamline pairs. For example, clicking on an entry named "log S1-->05" would cause all of the parameters from source 1 to beamline 05 to be logged.