Introduction to AccelNET

Table of Contents

1. Machine Parameters in the Control System Database
2. Starting/Stopping AccelNET Services
2.1. Services Startup (Menu Based)
2.2. Services Startup (Command Line)
2.3. Services Stop (Menu Based)
2.4. Services Stop (Command Line)
3. Using the AccelNET Tools
4. Introduction to Xcrt
4.1. Launching Xcrt (Menu-Based)
4.2. Launching Xcrt (Command Line)
4.3. Organization of the Xcrt Display Window
4.4. Basic Xcrt Operation
5. Assignable Meters
6. Assignable Knobs
7. Accelerator Startup Procedures

An operator interacts with the accelerator control system by using a workstation. There may be one or more workstations on the system. A workstation consists of a computer, keyboard, mouse, and perhaps an assignable meter/knob system. The workstation may also be connected to CAMAC or other types of data acquisition. Any workstation may access any parameter in the system and change the parameter if it has write permission.