The AccelNET services must be started by the 'csadmin' user. The following instructions assume you have logged in as the 'csadmin' user. All clicks will be a single click unless otherwise noted.
Avoid starting the services up multiple times.
Checks are in place to help prevent this, but are not fool-proof. If you are unsure whether the services are running or not, go through the stopping procedures before starting.
Launch the AccelNET menu if it is not currently open by double-clicking the "AccelNET" icon on the desktop.
Click the menu item labeled "AccelNET".
Click the sub-menu item labeled "Start Services".
A window will appear asking you if you want to clear the database. Select 'Yes' or 'No.' Clearing the Database while starting services will remove the runtime database from memory and reload it from disk. This can be useful when changes have been made to the on-disk database. It is safe to clear the database when no changes have occured.
If everything worked, a window will appear stating that the services have been started. Otherwise, a window will appear with an error message stating the problem.
If you are not logged in as csadmin, type 'su - csadmin' and enter csadmin's password.
To verify the current prompt is owned by csadmin, use the 'whoami' command.
Enter the command 'dbstart' to start the database manager.
You will be asked if you want to clear the database. Answer the question with 'y' or 'n'. Clearing the Database while starting services will remove the runtime database from memory and reload it from disk. This can be useful when changes have been made to the on-disk database. It is safe to clear the database when no changes have occured.
Enter the command 'startio' to start the AccelNET tasks.
If everything worked, no error messages will be displayed and the command prompt should be visible again.
Launch the AccelNET menu if it is not currently open by double-clicking the "AccelNET" icon on the desktop.
Click the menu item labeled "AccelNET".
Click the sub-menu item labeled "Stop Services".
A window will appear asking you if you really want to stop the services. Select 'Yes' or 'No'.
If everything worked, a window will appear stating that the services have been stopped. Otherwise, a window will appear with an error message stating the problem.
If you are not logged in as csadmin, type 'su - csadmin' and enter csadmin's password. To verify the current prompt is owned by csadmin, use the 'whoami' command.
Enter the command 'cskill' to stop all services.
You will be asked if you want to kill the database server. Answer the question with 'y'.
If everything worked, no error messages will be displayed and the command prompt should be visible again.