After the database is entered, the data conversion coefficients for all of the data points must be calculated. This is done by invoking the BuildMB family of programs.
The buildmb script should be run after the initial creation of a new database, as well as when one of the following has been changed in the DescRec table: SpanMin, SpanMax, DataType, Size, DRkey, MBconvKey, or MBsetIncKey. If MBconvKey is not set to 'Y', buildmb will ignore the record when calculating M and B. If MBsetIncKey is not set to 'Y', buildmb will ignore the record when calculating IncVal.
Invoke a buildmb function by typing the following (as user 'postgres'):
buildmb <arg>
Build coefficients for records with DataType = 'Lin'.
Build coefficients for records with DataType = 'NLin'.
Build coefficients for records with DataType = 'Alog'.
Build coefficients for records with DataType = 'NAlog'.
Build coefficients for records with DataType = 'CVG'.
Build coefficients for records with DataType = 'CVG_275'.
Build coefficients for records with DataType = 'CCVG'.
Build coefficients for records with DataType = 'PVG'.
Build coefficients for records with DataType = 'TCG'.
Build coefficients for records with DataType = 'IGCgp'.
Set IncVals for records with DataType = 'Lin'. See rules below.
Set IncVals for records with DataType = 'NLin'. See rules below.
Invokes all of the arguments.
Here is a list that explains, by DataType, how buildmb treats a record.
Constructs coefficients for all cases. IncVal is set to the value of M for records where DataType = 'Lin' and Owner = 'CrtTsk'.
Constructs coefficients for all cases. IncVal is set to the value of M for records where DataType = 'NLin' and Owner = 'CrtTsk'.
Constructs coefficients for all cases. IncVal is not set.
Constructs coefficients for all cases. IncVal is not set.
Not supported. When used, coefficients should be entered manually, usually with M = 1.0 and B = 0.0.
Sets M and B to the correct values to provide a scaler between 0 and 10 for the conversion routine. IncVal is not set.
Sets M and B to the correct values to provide a scaler between 0 and 10 for the conversion routine. IncVal is not set.
Sets M and B to the correct values to provide a scaler between 0 and 10 for the conversion routine. IncVal is not set.
Sets M and B to the correct values to provide a scaler between 0 and 10 for the conversion routine. IncVal is not set.
Sets M and B to the correct values to provide a scaler between 0 and 10 for the conversion routine. IncVal is not set.
Not supported. When used, coefficients should be entered manually, usually with M = 1.0 and B = 0.0.
Not supported. When used, coefficients should be entered manually, usually with M = 1.0 and B = 0.0.
Sets M and B to the correct values to provide a scaler between -10 and 0 for the conversion routine. IncVal is not set.
Constructs coefficients for all cases. IncVal is not set.
Constructs coefficients for all cases. IncVal is not set.
DataTypes marked with an * are handled by the runtime system in the following way: When the data(X) is processed, M and B are applied to scale the value between the desired range (Y = MX + B). The scaled value is then sent to what is called a piece table. A piece table is a predefined set of steps/ranges. Each range contains an internal set of M and B values. The internal set of M and B are applied using the same equation to the scaled value to obtain the final physical value.