The Label report shows an overview the database. The report is sectioned by LabelRec entries and detailed by RefName.
Device name (LabelRec.Label).
Long device name (LabelRec.Name).
Comments (LabelRec.Lcomm).
Integer value associated with the RefName (RefKeys.RefVal).
Parameter name (DescRec.RefName).
Long parameter name (RefKeys.RefAttNme).
Physical units (DescRec.Units).
Data conversion key (DescRec.DataType).
Display format key (DescRec.CrtKey).
Device control key (DescRec.CltKey).
Name of the task that owns the record (DescRec.Owner).
Parameter scaling key (DescRec.ScaKey).
Write permissions (DescRec.WpermD).
Name of the Message List if DataType=Ldisp (MsgKeys.MsgNme).
Physical value that corresponds to the minimum binary value of the data point (DescRec.SpanMin).
Physical value that corresponds to the maximum binary value of the data point (DescRec.SpanMax).
Minimum physical value for write limit or read back limit checking (DescRec.PhyMin).
Maximum physical value for write limit or read back limit checking (DescRec.PhyMax).
Size of the binary data field (DescRec.Size).
Offset into the data word from which to extract the binary data (DescRec.Offset).
DRkey value (DescRec.DRkey).
RecId of DataRec associated with this parameter (DescRec.Addr/DataRec.RecId).
Device type (DataRec.DevType).
Data acquisition driver name (DataRec.Driver).
CAMAC crate number (DataRec.Crate).
CAMAC slot number (DataRec.Slot).
Module channel number (DataRec.ChanNo).
DTkey value (DataRec.DTkey).
Comments (DescRec.Comments).
The RecId and Module reports are the same information sorted two different ways. The RecId report is sorted by DataRec.RecId in ascending order. The Module report is sorted by Driver, C, N, DevType, ChNo in ascending order.
Both forms of the report are a cross reference listing showing which parameters (DescRecs) in the database are associated with data acquisition channels.
RecId (DescRec.Addr/DataRec.RecId).
DTkey value (DataRec.DTkey).
Data acquisition driver name (DataRec.Driver).
CAMAC crate number (DataRec.Crate).
CAMAC slot number (DataRec.Slot).
Module channel number (DataRec.ChanNo).
Size of the binary data field (DescRec.Size).
Offset into the data word from which to extract the binary data (DescRec.Offset).
Device type (DataRec.DevType).
Label of the parameter (DescRec.Label).
RefName of the parameter (DescRec.RefName).
Long name associated with the RefName (RefKeys.RefAttNme).
This is a listing of all of the jack numbers in the system.
Jack number (JackRec.JackNo).
Jack type for end A (JackRec.JackTypA).
Jack type for end B (JackRec.JackTypB).
This is a listing of all of the records in the RPrecord table organized by jack number and pair number.
Jack number (JackRec.JackNo).
Pair number in the jack.
For each record there are two possible pin numbers listed, one above the other. The top one is the first pin in the pair (RPrecord.PinA). The bottom one is the second pin in the pair (RPrecord.PinB).
For each record there are two possible colors listed, one above the other. The top one is the first color in the pair (RPrecord.ColorA). The bottom one is the second color in the pair (RPrecord.ColorB).
For each record there are two possible signal names listed, one above the other. The top one is the first signal name in the pair (RPrecord.SigNameA). The bottom one is the second signal name in the pair (RPrecord.SigNameB).
First side of the buss connection, if needed (RPrecord.BussP1).
Name of the bus this signal is passed through, if needed (RPrecord.Buss).
Second side of the buss connetion, if needed (RPrecord.BussP2).
Name of the parameter this connection is associated with (DescRec.Label, DescRec.RefName).
Comments (RPrecord.Comments1/RPrecord.Comments2).
This is a listing of all of the records in the Zrecord table organized by RecId and pair number.
RecId of the DataRec this record is associated with (Zrecord.ZRecId).
DTkey value (DataRec.DTkey).
Data acquisition driver name (DataRec.Driver).
CAMAC crate number (DescRec.Crate).
CAMAC slot number (DataRec.Slot).
Module channel number (DataRec.ChNo).
Device Type (DataRec.DevType).
Jack number (Zrecord.Zjack).
Pair number of the RecId (Zrecord.Zpair).
For each record there are two possible pin numbers listed, one above the other. The top one is the first pin in the pair (Zrecord.PinA). The bottom one is the second pin in the pair (Zrecord.PinB).
Comments (Zrecord.Comments1, Zrecord.Comments2).
This is a listing of all of the connections in the interfaces organized from the device connectors to the Z connectors or other device connectors. This report is customized for each contract.
If a connection is made from one rear panel connector to another (one use of the Trecord), the connection will appear twice in the listing. Once from the first connector, again from the second connector.
At the start of each new connector, the page is ejected and the jack number and jack type are printed.
If the record being listed is a RPrecord, the parameter name from the database is listed on the first line of the signal pair (DescRec.Label, DescRec.RefName).
If the record being listed is a Trecord, the Comments1 and Comments2 fields are listed on the first line and the Comments3 and Comments4 fields are listed on the second line.
For each record there are two possible signal names listed, one above the other. The top one is the first signal name in the pair based on the type of record (RPrecord.SigNameA or Trecord.SigNameA). The bottom one is the second signal name in the pair based on the type of record (RPrecord.SigNameB or Trecord.SigNameB).
For each record there are two possible pin numbers listed, one above the other. The top one is the first pin in the pair based on the type of record (RPrecord.PinA, Trecord.PinA1, or Trecord.PinB1). The bottom one is the second pin in the pair based on the type of record (RPrecord.PinB, Trecord.PinA2, or Trecord.PinB2).
For each record there are two possible colors listed, one above the other. The top one is the first color in the pair based on the type of record (RPrecord.ColorA or Trecord.ColorA). The bottom one is the second color in the pair based on the type of record (RPrecord.ColorB or Trecord.ColorB).
First bus pin, if used (RPrecord.BussP1).
Bus the pair is routed through, if used (RPrecord.Buss).
Second bus pin, if used (RPrecord.BussP2).
Jack number of the connector this pair is connected to (Zrecord.Zjack).
For each record there are two possible pin numbers listed, one above the other. The top one is the first pin in the pair based on the type of record (Zrecord.PinA, Trecord.PinA1 or Trecord.PinB1). The bottom one is the second pin in the pair based on the type of record (Zrecord.PinB, Trecord.PinA2, or Trecord.PinB2).
RecId of the DataRec this entry is associated with (DataRec.RecId).
CAMAC crate number (DataRec.Crate).
CAMAC slot number (DataRec.Slot).
Module channel number (DataRec.ChNo).
Offset into the data word from which to extract the binary data (DescRec.Offset).
For each record there are two comments listed, one above the other. The top one is the first comment field, depending on the type of record (RPrecord.Comments1 or Trecord.Comments3). The bottom one is the second comment field, depending on the type of record (RPrecord.Comments2 or Trecord.Comments4).
This listing is similar the Rpanel report except that it is from the Z connector point of view. This report is customized for each contract.
Jack number of the Z connector this pair is connected to (Zrecord.Zjack).
There are two possible pin numbers listed for each record, one above the other. The top one is the first pin in the pair (Zrecord.PinA). The bottom one is the second pin in the pair (Zrecord.PinB).
There are two possible colors listed for each record, one above the other. The top one is the first color in the pair (RPrecord.ColorA). The bottom one is the second color in the pair (RPrecord.ColorB).
First bus pin, if used (RPrecord.BussP1).
Bus the pair is routed through, if used (RPrecord.Buss).
Second bus pin, if used (RPrecord.BussP2).
Jack number of the connector this pair is connected to (RPrecord.RPjack).
There are two possible pin numbers listed for each record, one above the other. The top one is the first pin in the pair (RPrecord.PinA, Trecord.PinA1, or Trecord.PinB1). The bottom one is the second pin in the pair (RPrecord.PinB, Trecord.PinA2, or Trecord.PinB2).
If the record being listed is a RPrecord, the parameter name from the database is listed on the first line of the signal pair (DescRec.Label, DescRec.RefName).
If the record being listed is a Trecord, the Comments1 and Comments2 fields are listed on the first line and the Comments3 and Comments4 fields are listed on the second line.
There are two possible signal names listed for each record, one above the other. The top one is the first signal name in the pair based on the type of record (RPrecord.SigNameA or Trecord.SigNameA). The bottom one is the second signal name in the pair based on the type of record (RPrecord.SigNameB or Trecord.SigNameB).
RecId of the DataRec this entry is associated with if it is a RPrecord (DataRec.RecId).
Pair number of the Zrecord associated with this entry if it is a RPrecord (Zrecord.Zpair).
CAMAC crate number (DataRec.Crate).
CAMAC slot number (DataRec.Slot).
Module channel number (DataRec.ChNo).
Offset into the data word from which to extract the binary data (DescRec.Offset).
If the record being processed is a RPrecord, then RPrecord.Comments1 and RPrecord.Comments2 are used. Otherwise Zrecord.Comments3 and Zrecord.Comments4 are used.