Color names are looked up in rgb.txt in accordance with standard X11 rules.
RGB hex values may be specified in standard X11 format as "RGB:rr/gg/bb" where rr = the red color spec, gg = the green color spec, and bb = the blue color spec. Up to four hex digits may be used for each color, however, the precision of the color specification is dependent on the color depth specified to the X server so you may not get exactly what you asked for.
RGBi values have the advantange that they are color depth independent and gamma corrected. The format is:
where each field is a scaler between 0.0 and 1.0.
For example white is:
N has a range of 1 to 24
The pen_recorder is now a 24 channel system so the color specs could be extended for all 24 channels.
The default is to reuse the first 8 colors and channels 9-16 and 17-24.
# trend color configuration table
# when using standard X windows color names used you must
# put an _ in places where whitespace appears in the color name
# for example : blue violet
# becomes : blue_violet
# general
COLback black # background
COLchan1 green # channel 1
COLchan2 red # channel 3
COLchan3 orange # channel 6
COLchan4 yellow # channel 2
COLchan5 CornflowerBlue # channel 4
COLchan6 blue_violet # channel 5
COLchan7 pink # channel 8
COLchan8 white # channel 7
COLtext green # text
COLlimit red # limit
COLio violet # io error
COLgrid blue # grid