When a runlist is reloaded the Pos field in the runlist is used to find the current entry in the runlist currently loaded into DMANserv therefore new run directives i.e. run directives which have a Pos value which isn’t in the currently executing runlist are ignored and complained about. All other fields in the run directive may be changed.
Information such as the current number of completed runs is not changed and all results which may have been collected by a runlist in progress are retained. Batch directives are ignored.
reload_runlist uses DMANsetup(8) to perform its job. The runlist is presumed to be in the current working directory.
reload_runlist can be customized to meet each sites needs so it is located in the /AccelNET/$CONF/machcmds directory.
If it is not present the name of the runlist is presumed to be "runlist".