
Table of Contents


pconv_v2 - HIST system data block conversion script


pconv_v2 defines how to convert blocks of rare isotope AMS data which have been gathered by a program which collects information for processing by the HIST system.

The number of integers contained in each block of data is defined by the program collecting the data.

The pconv file defines the template used for processing the data, producing logging files, producing the histogram and contour displays and formatting on the line data.

A data stream from the list processor looks like this...
word1 word2 word3 word4 .... wordN

The data needs to be broken it into logical groups and meaning assigned to individual words within a group.

An input block might be mapped as follows:
   word1 cycle

   word2 adc0

   word3 adc1

   word4 adc2

   word5 adc3

   word6 adc4

One line of event data could go into the disk file in this manner:
   cycle event adc0 adc1 adc2 adc3 adc4

The event number is not present in the input data and is created by maintaining a counter in software and incrementing the counter after every event. If the cycle number changes the event number is reset to zero.

The data also needs to be mapped into online transmission:

   DOSEDATA.Cycle = word1

   DOSEDATA.Event = done by software

   TREC_DATA.Dose[0] = word2

   TREC_DATA.Dose[1] = word3

   TREC_DATA.Dose[2] = word4

   TREC_DATA.Dose[3] = word5

   TREC_DATA.Dose[4] = word6

Next the data needs to be mapped into histogramming arrays for display by HISTmngr_v2(1) . This is done by creating the histogramming array by using the histogram directive. The histogram directive references the scale directives used to convert the data to determine what to map along each of its axises.

Next, a set of displays must be created for use by HISTmngr_v2(1) . This is done by using the display directive.

Reserved words

block <size> <majority> <setup_name> <Bmaj>

size (required) is the number of elements in the block.

majority - (deprecated, use mctl directive instead) - is the majority number for event gating.

setup_name - (deprecated, use mctl directive instead) - is the name for the current setup. For example: a name such as "Carbon_setup" may be used.

Bmaj - (deprecated, use mctl directive instead) - is the majority number for beacon event gating. The value of this argument is used only when beacon gating are enabled.

Note: majority and Bmaj can also be changed from HISTmngr_v2(1) .

See Event Gates for more information.

majority, Bmaj, and setup_name may also be specified using the mctl directives given below. This is the prefered method. Specifying this information using the block keyword is deprecated and may be removed in the future.

mctl <op_code> <args>

Several of the op_codes listed below use various counter parameters as arguments. Here is a list of valid values:

nil - no assignment
evt_h - Hevent
evt_s - Sevent
evt_gt - Gevent
evt_if1 - I1event
evt_if2 - I2event
cnt_h - CntTotH
cnt_s - CntTotS
cnt_gt - CntTotGT
cnt_bh - CntTotBH
cnt_bg - CntTotBG
cnt_if1 - CntTotI1
cnt_if2 - CntTotI2

name <name_string>

The name of the histogramming setup.

This often is the species name however it can be anything.

This information is printed above HISTmngr’s histrogram drawing window.

This is the same parameter as may be specified in the block directive’s setup_name field.

banana <arg>

This enables the banana gating mode.

The two possible values for <arg> are: enable or disable.

If this keyword isn’t present in the file this parameter defaults to disable.

beacon <arg>

This enables the beacon processing logic.

The two possible values for <arg> are: enable or disable.

If this keyword isn’t present in the file the beacon logic defaults to disable.

if1 <arg>

This enables the interference gate #1 processing logic.

The two possible values for <arg> are: enable or disable.

If this keyword isn’t present in the file the interference gate #1 logic defaults to disable.

if2 <arg>

This enables the interference gate #2 processing logic.

The two possible values for <arg> are: enable or disable.

If this keyword isn’t present in the file the interference gate #2 logic defaults to disable.

gt_major <N>

The initial value for the main gate majority paramater.

<N> is an integer value who’s maximum depends on how many histograms have been defined.

This is the same parameter as may be specified in the block directive’s majority field.

bg_major <N>

The initial value for the beacon gate majority paramater.

<N> is an integer value who’s maximum depends on how many histograms have been defined.

This is the same parameter as may be specified in the block directive’s Bmaj field.

if1_major <N>

The initial value for the interference gate #1 majority paramater.

<N> is an integer value who’s maximum depends on how many histograms have been defined.

if2_major <N>

The initial value for the interference gate #2 majority paramater.

<N> is an integer value who’s maximum depends on how many histograms have been defined.

rate_srcP <cntr>

This sets the counter source for the pass count rate. It requires one argument, the counter to use for the calculation.

If this directive is not supplied it defaults to evt_h.

See the section Count rate calculations for more information.

rate_cmpP <cntr>

The count rate compensation input. It requires one argument, the counter to use for the calculation.

If this directive is not supplied it defaults to evt_bh.

See the section Count rate calculations for more information.

rate_src <cntr>

This sets the counter source for the average count rate. It requires one argument, the counter to use for the calculation.

If this directive is not supplied it defaults to cnt_h.

See the section Count rate calculations for more information.

rate_cmp <cntr>

The counter compensation input. It requires one argument, the counter to use for the calculation.

If this directive is not supplied it defaults to cnt_bh.

See the section Count rate calculations for more information.

rate2_srcP <cntr>

This sets the counter source for the 2nd pass count rate. It requires one argument, the counter to use for the calculation.

If this directive is not supplied it defaults to nil.

See the section Count rate calculations for more information.

rate2_cmpP <cntr>

The 2nd count rate compensation input. It requires one argument, the counter to use for the calculation.

If this directive is not supplied it defaults to nil.

See the section Count rate calculations for more information.

rate2_src <cntr>

This sets the counter source for the 2nd average count rate. It requires one argument, the counter to use for the calculation.

If this directive is not supplied it defaults to nil.

See the section Count rate calculations for more information.

rate2_cmp <cntr>

The 2nd counter compensation input. It requires one argument, the counter to use for the calculation.

If this directive is not supplied it defaults to cnt_bh.

See the section Count rate calculations for more information.

ltf_srcP <num> <den>

This sets the counter sources for the pass live time calculation. It requires two arguments, the numerator and the denominator.

If this directive is not supplied the numerator defaults to evt_s and the denonimator defaults to evt_h.

See the section Count rate calculations for more information.

ltf_src <num> <den>

This sets the counter sources for the average live time calculation. It requires two arguments, the numerator and the denominator.

If this directive is not supplied the numerator defaults to cnt_s and the denonimator defaults to cnt_h.

See the section Count rate calculations for more information.

ban_gt_src <recid>
The recid of the histogram to use for banana mode gating.

NOTE: ban_gsrc was used previously. This is deprecated.

ban_bg_src <recid>
The recid of the histogram to use for banana mode beacon gating.

NOTE: ban_bsrc was used previously. This is deprecated.

ban_if1_src <recid>
The recid of the histogram to use for banana mode interference gate 1 gating.

ban_if2_src <recid>
The recid of the histogram to use for banana mode interference gate 2 gating.

arange <arg>

Set default startup value for autoranging mode in HISTmngr_v2(1) .

Valid values for <arg> are off and on.

ar_mode <arg>

Set default startup value for selecting PeakValue of gtPeakValue for choosing best range when in autoranging mode.

Valid values for <arg> are pk, gpk and opk.

pk selects PeakValue.
gpk selects gtPeakValue.
opk selects opPeakValue.

oplot <arg>

Set default startup value for overplotting in HISTmngr_v2(1) .

Valid values for <arg> are off and on. If this directive is not supplied overplotting defaults to off.

climit <arg>

Set default startup mode for color calculation in HISTmngr_v2(1) .

Valid values for <arg> are auto and fixed.

If this directive is not supplied the autoranging mode defaults to auto.


Set default startup value for fixed mode color calculation in HISTmngr_v2(1) .

This parameter is an integer.

If this directive is not supplied the value defaults to 100.

dib_def <recid>
The recid of the display block to use when HISTmngr is started.

If the value is not set or is set to -1 the first record in the list is used.

Lscale(0-7) <value>

Set default startup values for the Lscale parameters in HISTmngr_v2(1) .

The values are floating point numbers between 0.0 and 1.0.

The default values are:

Lscale0 = 0.001
Lscale1 = 0.3
Lscale2 = 0.4
Lscale3 = 0.5
Lscale4 = 0.6
Lscale5 = 0.7
Lscale6 = 0.8
Lscale7 = 0.9

ca_fname <pathname>

The absolute pathname of an optional configuration file for HISTmngr’s control area.

scale <name> <rule> <word> <data_type> <disp_fmt> <size> <offset> <dr_key> <span_min> <span_max> <gate_min> <gate_max> <gate_type> <b_gate_min> <b_gate_max> <b_gate_type>

Each scale rule is used to convert one input integer into an appropriate scaling for use by other directives.

name - (required) - Each scaling rule is given a name appropriate for its function. For example, "Etotal" could be used to name the scaling rule for converting the ADC data for the Etotal electrode in a gas counter. The name field is 8 characters long. Additional characters are truncated.

rule - (required) - is a positive integer value used to uniquely identify the scaling rule. This value is used by the filemap, transmap, and histogram directives to reference the scaling rule when processing a block of data.

word - (required) is the offset into the data block of the integer to be processed by the scaling rule.

data_type - (required) - is the data conversion rule used for scaling the data. data_type, span_min, span_max, size, offset, and dr_key are used together to scale the incoming data.

Valid types are:
   Lin - positive linear scaling

   NLin - negative linear scaling

   Alog - positive antilog scaling

   NAlog - negative antilog scaling

   cycle - see below

   event - see below

cycle means to treat the incoming data value as a relative jumping cycle number. This data usually comes from a counter connected to the jumping system in a way which causes it to increment at the end of each jumping cycle. The counter value is added to the starting jumping cycle number of the data block to arrive at the cycle number in which the event occured.

If cycle is used the rest of the scale directive arguments are not required. For example: "scale cycle 0 0 cycle". The arguments are name, rule, word, and data_type=cycle. This means to map the 1st integer in the block into the cycle number. The name field also happens to be "cycle" but that is not required.

The keyword event means to map an input word to the event number. If the keyword soft appears in the field following the data_type - (optional depending on data_type) - field the event number is created by processing blocks of input and looking for the cycle number to change in the input data stream. The event number is incremented each time an input block is processed. When the cycle number changes the event number is reset to zero. For example: "scale event 1 0 event soft" means to use the 1st integer in the block as the cycle number and reset the event number to zero each time the cycle number changes. If the keyword soft doesn’t appear the input data word is treated as the event number. The rest of the scale directive arguments are not required.

disp_fmt - (optional depending on data_type) - is used by the filemap directive to specify what format to write the data in.

Valid types are:
   F0 - x

   F1 - x.x

   F2 - x.xx

   F3 -

   F4 - x.xxxx

   F5 - x.xxxxx

   E0 - xExx

   E1 - x.xExx

   E2 - x.xxExx

   E3 - x.xxxExx

   E4 - x.xxxxExx

   E5 - x.xxxxxExx

size - (optional depending on data_type) - the number of bits in the input word to use.

offset - (optional depending on data_type) - the offset of the bit field in the input word.

dr_key - (optional depending on data_type) - is a one char field. U means the input data is unsigned. I means the input data is signed. P means the input data is signed but only the positive values will be used. If the input value is negative the result is zero. N means the input data is signed but only the negative values will be used. If the input value is positive the result is zero.

span_min - (optional depending on data_type) - the minimum physical value of the parameter.

span_max - (optional depending on data_type) - the maximum physical value of the parameter.

gate_min - (deprecated, use gate directive instead) - the minimum value of the gate.

gate_max - (deprecated, use gate directive instead) - the maximum value of the gate.

gate_type - (deprecated, use gate directive instead) - the type of gating to be applied. Valid types are N, C and A. N means no gating is applied. C means coincidence gating is applied. A means anticoincidence gating is applied.

b_gate_min - (deprecated, use gate directive instead) - the minimum value of the beacon gate.

b_gate_max - (deprecated, use gate directive instead) - the maximum value of the beacon gate.

b_gate_type - (deprecated, use gate directive instead) - the type of gating to be applied to the beacon gate. Valid types are N, C and A. N means no gating is applied. C means coincidence gating is applied. A means anticoincidence gating is applied.

b_gate_min, b_gate_max, and b_gate_majority are optional keywords which are used when beacon gating is enabled.

See Event Gates for more information.

gate_min, gate_max, gate_majority, b_gate_min, b_gate_max, and b_gate_majority may all be changed from HISTmngr_v2(1) .

gate <rule> <gate_grp> <gate_min> <gate_max> <gate_type>

gate rules are only used in "normal" gating mode.

Each gate rule is used to define the initial values for one set of gates for one process block.

A gate rule may also be used to define the gates for a synth_m parameter because it is a special case of a process block.

rule - (required) - The rule number of the process block or synth_m parameter

gate_grp Which set of gates.

Valid values are: gt, bg, if1, if2

gate_min is the minimum value of the gate.

gate_max is the maximum value of the gate.

gate_type is the type of gating to be applied to the gate. Valid types are N, C and A. N means no gating is applied. C means coincidence gating is applied. A means anticoincidence gating is applied.

See Event Gates for more information.

synth_m <name> <rule> <size> <span_min> <span_max> <gate_min> <gate_max> <gate_type> <b_gate_min> <b_gate_max> <b_gate_type>

Each synth_m rule generates one synthetic parameter.

Synthetic parameters have values which are derived from real parameters by a set of algebraic rules constructed using the synth_s directives explained below.

A synthetic parameter may be used in any place a parameter derived from a scale directive can be used. For example, a synthetic parameter may be used as an input to a histogram.

name - (required) - Each synthetic rule is given a name appropriate for it’s function. For example, "Etotal" could be used to name a sythetic parameter generated by summing all of the dE electrodes together. The name field is 8 characters long. Additional characters are truncated.

rule - (required) - a positive integer value used to uniquely identify the synth_m rule. The integer value must be unique between the scale rules and the synth_m rules. This value is used by the filemap, transmap, and histogram directives to reference the synth_m rule when processing a block of data.

size - (required) - the number of binary steps to divide the span into. The step size is: step_size = (span_max - span_min) / 2**size This number is used when incrementing or decrementing the gate setting.

span_min - (required) - the minimum physical value of the synthetic parameter,

span_max - (required) - the maximum physical value of the synthetic parameter,

gate_min - (deprecated, use gate directive instead) - is the minimum value of the gate.

gate_max - (deprecated, use gate directive instead) - the maximum value of the gate.

gate_type - (deprecated, use gate directive instead) - the type of gating to be applied. Valid types are N, C and A. N means no gating is applied. C means coincidence gating is applied. A means anticoincidence gating is applied.

b_gate_min - (deprecated, use gate directive instead) - the minimum value of the beacon gate.

b_gate_max - (deprecated, use gate directive instead) - the maximum value of the beacon gate.

b_gate_type - (deprecated, use gate directive instead) - the type of gating to be applied to the beacon gate. Valid types are N, C and A. N means no gating is applied. C means coincidence gating is applied. A means anticoincidence gating is applied.

b_gate_min, b_gate_max, and b_gate_majority are optional (and deprecated) keywords which are used when beacon gating is enabled.

See Event Gates for more information.

synth_s <p_rule> <v_rule> <M> <B>

Rules in this section define a simple algebraic equation used to generate the value for each synth_m rule.

Individual synth_s rules are evaluated like this:

value = (v_rule.value * M) + B

Evaluation is performed by traversing the list of synth_s records and summing the values expressed by each one to create the synth_m value.

Please note that synthetic parameters are a special case of a scale rule. All scale rules are evaluated in the order in which they are created.

If a synth_s record refers to a scale or synth_m rule which was created after the synth_m record that the synth_s record belongs to then strange things will happen because the synth_m record will not have been evaluated yet and the value obtained from the synth_m record will belong to the previous particle event.

Care should be taken to only refer to scale or synth_m records which are "upstream" i.e. ones that were created before the current synth_m rule.

Usually scale rules are not a problem because generally speaking they appear in the pconv file before the synth_m directives however the limitation does exist and the user should be aware of it.

p_rule The rule number of the synth_m record this rule is associated with.

v_rule The rule number of the scale or synth_m rule from which to get the input value.

M and B are the values used to scale the input value.

filemap <rule> <width>

Each filemap directive specifies one field to be written into the event file. filemap directives are concatenated in the order they appear in the script to form one line of data in the event file. The disp_fmt field from the scaling rule is used to format the field. A minimum of one space character appears between fields. The line of data is terminated with a newline.

rule is the scale directive rule number.

If the keyword gt is given instead of a scale rule number a set of flags indicating if this event is a gated event or a beacon gated event is printed.

Two single char fields separated a space char are used. If the event is gated a G is printed, else a _ is printed. If the event is beacon gated a B is printed, else a _ is printed.

width is the number of characters to write for the field. If width is less than the required number of chars the field is expanded. If width is greater than the required number of chars the field is padded with whitespace.

width is ignored if gt is used.

transmap <rule> <pos>

The transmap directive controls how data is encoded for online transmission.

rule is the scale directive rule number.

pos is an integer value specifying the position in the TREC_DATA.Dose array to place the data. If pos has the special value cycle the value is mapped into DOSE_DATA.Cycle. If pos has the special value event the value is mapped into TREC_DATA.Event[0].

user_p <where> <rule> <name> <label> <refname> <data_type> <disp_fmt> <msgname> <ctlkey> <size> <offset> <dr_key> <dt_recid> <dt_key> <span_min> <span_max> <phy_min> <phy_max> <incval> <starting_value>

Each user_p rule is used to create a parameter which can be used by another program. For example, you might create parameters and use them with hist_engine.

<where> A user_p may be associated with the MASTER_BLOCK or may be associated with a HISTOGRAM_BLOCK.

The keyword master causes it to associate with the MASTER_BLOCK.

An integer value causes it to be associated with a HISTOGRAM_BLOCK whos recid matches the integer value.

NOTE: user_p directives involving HISTOGRAM_BLOCKs must appear in the pconv file after the histogram directives because the histogram must be defined before the user_p can be attached to it.

When the user_p is displayed by HISTmngr the behavior varies depending on the setting of <where>.

<rule> is a positive integer value used to uniquely identify the user_p rule.

<name> Each user_p rule is given a name appropriate for its function.

The name field is 8 characters long. Additional characters are truncated.


<data_type> is a standard AccelNET datatype. data_type, span_min, span_max, size, offset, and dr_key are used together.

<disp_fmt> is used to control how the data is displayed.



<size> the number of bits in the input word to use.

<offset> the offset of the bit field in the input word.

<dr_key> is a one char field. U means the input data is unsigned. I means the input data is signed. P means the input data is signed but only the positive values will be used. If the input value is negative the result is zero. N means the input data is signed but only the negative values will be used. If the input value is positive the result is zero.



<span_min> the minimum physical value of the parameter.

<span_max> the maximum physical value of the parameter.

<phy_min> the minimum limit value of the parameter.

<phy_max> the maximum limit value of the parameter.



msg_tbl <msgkey> <offset> <msg>

histogram <name> <id> <Xrule> <Yrule> <Xsize> <Ysize> <Xmin> <Xmax> <Ymin> <Ymax>

The histogram directive creates a histogramming array. Histogramming arrays may be one or two dimensional. Each cell in the array is an integer.

name is the name of the array. It is used by HISTmngr_v2(1) to display the histogram name in the display menu. name may be a maximum of 10 chars. Extra chars will be truncated.

id is a positive integer value identifying the histogram. It is used by the display directives.

Xrule is the scale directive rule number to be used for the X axis. The special value nil may be used to avoid specifying a scale rule.

Yrule is the scale directive rule number to be used for the Y axis. The special value nil may be used to avoid specifying a scale rule.

Xsize is a positive integer specifying the X dimension of the array.

Ysize is a positive integer specifying the Y dimension of the array. For a one dimensional array this value should be set to 1 otherwise the desired dimension should be given.

Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, and Ymax specify the physical range of the array.

For example, there may be an ADC channel whose physical range is specified by scale as 0.0 to 10.0. However, the region of interest in the channel might only be 0.0 to 5.0. In that range it might be desired to have a resolution of 100 bins.

Setting Xsize = 100, Xmin = 0.0, and Xmax = 5.0 the X axis of the histogramming array can be specified to cover the region of interest with the desired resolution.

Keep in mind that it doesn’t make sense to specify histogramming step sizes which are smaller than the resolution of the ADC used to collect the data.

display <id> <hist_rule> <type> <Xoffset> <Yoffset> <width> <height> <Xscale> <Yscale>

The display directive specifies one histogram display for HISTmngr_v2(1) . Each display directive is added to the display menu in HISTmngr_v2(1) .

id is a positive integer value used to uniquely identify the display directive.

hist_rule is the histogram id field.

type is the type of display. Valid values are cont or hist.

Xoffset and Yoffset specify where to begin drawing the array. These are starting values and are changed by HISTmngr_v2(1) as the scroll bars are used to move around the display window.

width and height specify in pixels the size of the display window in HISTmngr_v2(1) . It is a good idea to make these the same in all display directives.

Xscale and Yscale specify magnification factors for the display window. These are starting values and may be changed by HISTmngr_v2(1) .

Event Gates

Event gates are processed by the following steps:

Set the majority count to zero.

Process each scale directive converting each word to the physical value using the values specified in the scale directive.

As each conversion takes place compare the physical value to gate_min and gate_max specified in the scale directive.

If gate_type is N do nothing.

If gate_type is C and the value is inside the limit specified by gate_min and gate_max add to the majority count.

If gate_type is A and the value is outside the limit specified by gate_min and gate_max add to the majority count.

After processing of the block is complete examine the majority count. If the majority count is greater than or equal to the value of majority increment the gated particle total.

The gate settings may be changed from HISTmngr_v2(1) .

Count Rate Calculations

The HIST system calculates various count rates and live times.

The average count rate for the measurement.

The formula is: CntRate = (src_n - src_c) / Cycle

src_n is the counter to use.

src_c is used to remove the beacon signal from the count rate calculation.


The count rate for the most recent update.

The formula is: CntRateP = (src_n - src_c) / CycBatch

src_n is the counter to use.

src_c is used to remove the beacon signal from the count rate calculation.


The 2nd average count rate for the measurement.

The behavior is the same as the CntRate parameter.


The 2nd count rate for the most recent update.

The behavior is the same as the CntRate2 parameter.


The average live time for the measurement.

The formula is: LiveTime = (src_n / src_d) * 100


The live time for the most recent update.

The formula is: LiveTimeP = (src_n / src_d) * 100

Example script

# This script maps the above example.
# set the block size and the majority value for gating

block 6

# set the majority value for gating
mctl gt_major 2
# map the 1st data word into the cycle number
scale cycle 0 0 cycle
# make the event number come from the software
# by watching for the cycle number to change
scale event 1 0 event soft
# map the rest of the data words in the block
#    12 bit unsigned adc channels
#    physical range is 0v to 4.095v
#    set all possible gates to 0.050v and 3.000v
#    enable coincidence gate on Etotal and dE1
#    no gates on other channels
scale Etotal 11 1 Lin F3 12 0 U 0.000 4.095 0.050 3.000 C
scale dE1 12 2 Lin F3 12 0 U 0.000 4.095 0.050 3.000 C
scale dE2 13 3 Lin F3 12 0 U 0.000 4.095 0.050 3.000 N
scale dE3 14 4 Lin F3 12 0 U 0.000 4.095 0.050 3.000 N
scale dE4 15 5 Lin F3 12 0 U 0.000 4.095 0.050 3.000 N
# on line data transmission mapping
#    map cycle # (scale rule 0) into cycle #
#    map event # (scale rule 1) into event #
#    map Etotal (scale rule 11) into Dose[0]
#    map dE1 (scale rule 12) into Dose[1]
#    map dE2 (scale rule 13) into Dose[2]
#    map dE3 (scale rule 14) into Dose[3]
#    map dE4 (scale rule 15) into Dose[4]
transmap 0 cycle
transmap 1 event
transmap 11 0
transmap 12 1
transmap 13 2
transmap 14 3
transmap 15 4
# rare isotope file file mapping.
#    Each filemap entry is concatenated in the
#    order in which it appear to form a string
#    terminated with a newline. One string
#    is constructed for each particle event.
#    map cycle (rule 0)
#    map event (rule 1)
#    map 2nd word (adc 0)
#    map 3rd word (adc 1)
#    map 4th word (adc 2)
#    map 5th word (adc 3)
#    map 6th word (adc 4)
filemap 0 8
filemap 1 8
filemap 11 6
filemap 12 6
filemap 13 6
filemap 14 6
filemap 15 6
# Here are the histogram rules.
# these are single channel histograms
histogram Etotal 0 11 nil 1024 1 0.000 4.095 0.000 0.000
histogram dE1 1 12 nil 1024 1 0.000 4.095 0.000 0.000
histogram dE2 2 13 nil 1024 1 0.000 4.095 0.000 0.000
histogram dE3 3 14 nil 1024 1 0.000 4.095 0.000 0.000
histogram dE4 4 15 nil 1024 1 0.000 4.095 0.000 0.000
# these are contours
histogram Etotal_dE1 10 11 12 256 256 0.000 4.095 0.000 4.095
histogram Etotal_dE2 11 11 13 256 256 0.000 4.095 0.000 4.095
histogram Etotal_dE3 12 11 14 256 256 0.000 4.095 0.000 4.095
histogram Etotal_dE4 13 11 15 256 256 0.000 4.095 0.000 4.095
# Here are the display rules:
# these map the five histograms
display 0 0 hist 0 0 500 400 1 1
display 1 1 hist 0 0 500 400 1 1
display 2 2 hist 0 0 500 400 1 1
display 3 3 hist 0 0 500 400 1 1
display 4 4 hist 0 0 500 400 1 1
# these map the four countours
display 10 10 cont 0 0 500 400 2 2
display 11 11 cont 0 0 500 400 2 2
display 12 12 cont 0 0 500 400 1 1
display 13 13 cont 0 0 500 400 1 1

See Also

load_hist_config_v2(8) , read_hist_config_v2(8) , HISTmngr_v2(1)

Manual page revision

$Id: pconv_v2.5,v 2.10 2009/09/08 19:39:38 kitchen Exp $

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