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listp_v2 - list processor manager


listp_v2 <argument list>


listp_v2 is an I/O manager for a Hytec Electronics list processor CAMAC module.

It uses a shared memory partition which is loaded with configuration data and histogramming arrays used to define how to process the data received by the program from the list processor camac module.

load_lp_configuration_v2(8) is used to create and populate the shared memory partition.

After listp_v2 is started LISTPsetup_v2(8) is used to load the list processor program information and other data needed by listp_v2.

HISTmngr_v2(1) is used to display the data in the arrays.

See HISTmngr_v2(1) for more of an explanation of the data collection process.

This program runs as a daemon unless overridden with the --no_daemon argument. Usually it should not be started in the background.

This program is part of the NEC AMS system.


Argument processing is done using Unix long argument syntax.

The values of all of the parameters listed here (whether or not they were supplied on the command line) are printed on stderr when the program starts.

--dbman_host <hn>

The host where dbman is running.

If this argument is not supplied the default is "localhost".

--dose_host <hn>

The host where DOSEserv is running.

If this argument is not supplied the default is "localhost".

--mbs_host <hn>

The host where MBSseqTask is running.

If this argument is not supplied the default is "localhost".

--drv <drv>

The Driver key.

If this argument is not supplied the default is "CAMAC".

--crate <C>

The crate number.

If this is not supplied it defaults to 1.

--mem <size>

The size of the listprocessor’s data memory.

The possible values are: 128K, 256K, 512K, 1M

The default value is: 256K


If this argument is supplied the program starts in the foreground without the usual startup characteristics of a Linux daemon. stdin and stdout are left open and SIGINT and so forth are allowed to kill the program. This can be especially useful when debugging hist_engine TCL scripts.

Print listp_v2’s internal help to stderr.

Device Types used by this program

The Device types marked required must be supplied.

Device types marked optional are not required.

If the optional device keys are not used the value which is interfaced to the database through the device type is still calculated and displayed by HISTmngr(1) . However, it isn’t available for display or logging via dbman(8) and the AccelNET database.

H1341_1 - required

This causes all of the basic I/O lists used by the program to be built.

The DATA.Crate and DATA.Slot values from the DataRec are used as the crate and slot values when building the I/O lists.

DATA.DTkey should be set to U.

DATA.ChanNo is not used and may be set to any value to facilitate sorting the database report.

HISTht - optional

The number of CAMAC ADC event triggers since the beginning of the run.

The data is obtained from the CntQry I/O list. The counter is usually connected in parallel with the ADC trigger signal.

DATA.DTkey should be set to F.

DATA.Crate and DATA.Slot should be set to the same value as the H1341_1 record.

DATA.ChanNo is not used and may be set to any value to facilitate sorting the database report.

HISTst - optional

The number of event records uploaded from the list processor since the beginning of the run.

DATA.DTkey should be set to F.

DATA.Crate and DATA.Slot should be set to the same value as the H1341_1 record.

DATA.ChanNo is not used and may be set to any value to facilitate sorting the database report.

HISTgt - optional

The number of gated events.

DATA.DTkey should be set to F.

DATA.Crate and DATA.Slot should be set to the same value as the H1341_1 record.

DATA.ChanNo is not used and may be set to any value to facilitate sorting the database report.

HISTbh - optional

The number of CAMAC ADC beacon event triggers since the beginning of the run.

The data is obtained from the CntQry I/O list. This counter is usually connected to the device providing the beacon signal.

DATA.DTkey should be set to F.

DATA.Crate and DATA.Slot should be set to the same value as the H1341_1 record.

DATA.ChanNo is not used and may be set to any value to facilitate sorting the database report.

HISTbg - optional

The number of gated beacon events.

DATA.DTkey should be set to F.

DATA.Crate and DATA.Slot should be set to the same value as the H1341_1 record.

DATA.ChanNo is not used and may be set to any value to facilitate sorting the database report.

HISTif1 - optional

The number of interference gate 1 events.

DATA.DTkey should be set to F.

DATA.Crate and DATA.Slot should be set to the same value as the H1341_1 record.

DATA.ChanNo is not used and may be set to any value to facilitate sorting the database report.

HISTif2 - optional

The number of interference gate 2 events.

DATA.DTkey should be set to F.

DATA.Crate and DATA.Slot should be set to the same value as the H1341_1 record.

DATA.ChanNo is not used and may be set to any value to facilitate sorting the database report.

HISTrp - optional

The peak count rate, i.e. the count rate for one block of data.

This number is given in counts per cycle. It is computed by dividing the result of the count assigned to this parameter by the number of cycles in the batch.

DATA.DTkey should be set to F.

DATA.Crate and DATA.Slot should be set to the same value as the H1341_1 record.

DATA.ChanNo is not used and may be set to any value to facilitate sorting the database report.

HISTrt - optional

The average count rate.

This number is given in counts per cycle. It is computed by dividing the count assigned to this parameter by the number of cycles.

DATA.DTkey should be set to F.

DATA.Crate and DATA.Slot should be set to the same value as the H1341_1 record.

DATA.ChanNo is not used and may be set to any value to facilitate sorting the database report.

HISTrp2 - optional

The 2nd peak count rate, i.e. the count rate for one block of data.

This number is given in counts per cycle. It is computed by dividing the result of the count assigned to this parameter by the number of cycles in the batch.

DATA.DTkey should be set to F.

DATA.Crate and DATA.Slot should be set to the same value as the H1341_1 record.

DATA.ChanNo is not used and may be set to any value to facilitate sorting the database report.

HISTrt2 - optional

The 2nd average count rate.

This number is given in counts per cycle. It is computed by dividing the count assigned to this parameter by the number of cycles.

DATA.DTkey should be set to F.

DATA.Crate and DATA.Slot should be set to the same value as the H1341_1 record.

DATA.ChanNo is not used and may be set to any value to facilitate sorting the database report.

HISTlp - optional

The peak live time, i.e. the live time for one block of data.

It is usually computed by dividing the number of list processor events gathered in one update by the number of events counted by the counter.

This is programmable behavior which may be set by a directive in the pconv file. See pconv(5) for more information.

DATA.DTkey should be set to F.

DATA.Crate and DATA.Slot should be set to the same value as the H1341_1 record.

DATA.ChanNo is not used and may be set to any value to facilitate sorting the database report.

HISTlv - optional

The average live time for the run.

It is usually computed by dividing H1341_st by H1341_ht.

This is programmable behavior which may be set by a directive in the pconv file. See pconv(5) for more information.

DATA.DTkey should be set to F.

DATA.Crate and DATA.Slot should be set to the same value as the H1341_1 record.

DATA.ChanNo is not used and may be set to any value to facilitate sorting the database report.

HISTstat - optional

The histogramming system status.

Bit0 is set if the list processor has a buffer overflow when a CycBatch was uploaded. The bit is cleared when the next CycBatch is uploaded.

Bit1 is set if the list processor has bad status, for example if the crate is off line or doesn’t have power.

DATA.DTkey should be set to U.

DATA.Crate and DATA.Slot should be set to the same value as the H1341_1 record.

DATA.ChanNo is not used and may be set to any value to facilitate sorting the database report.

HISTinp - optional

User inputs to the HIST system. There are eight inputs.

User inputs are used with hist_engine to pass values into the HIST system for processing by a TCL script.

When an update message arrives from dbman a TCL function may be called to process the change.

DATA.DTkey should be set to F.

DATA.Crate and DATA.Slot should be set to the same value as the H1341_1 record.

DATA.ChanNo has a valid range of 0-7 and is used to designate the user input.

HISTout - optional

User outputs from the HIST system. There are eight outputs.

User outputs are used with hist_engine to pass values from the HIST system to the AccelNET database.

The user outputs are manipulated by a TCL script and are updated in the AccelNET database after every CycBatch.

DATA.DTkey should be set to F.

DATA.Crate and DATA.Slot should be set to the same value as the H1341_1 record.

DATA.ChanNo has a valid range of 0-7 and is used to designate the user output.

Configuration Files

The program LISTPsetup_v2(8) is used to load the list processor program information into listp_v2.

The following files must be located in the directory specified by LISTPsetup_v2(8) .


list processor program file

This file is a list of camac commands used to initialize the peripherals which are controlled or read by the list processor.

The commands contained in this file are executed before beginning a data collection run and after data collection for each block is completed.


This file is a list of camac commands needed to interrogate a counter channel used for the cycle number.

The commands executed should read the counter and zero it because listp_v2 will add the current counter value to the beginning cycle number when processing the batch.

The commands contained in this file are executed before beginning a data collection run and after data collection for each block is completed.

list processor hardware configuration

The list processor module needs to have jumpers installed in it to configure it for operation.

JP-1 - JP23 - one jumper should be installed. The installed jumper corresponds to the CAMAC slot number where the ADC module is installed.

JP-24 - not installed
JP-25 - not installed
JP-26 - installed

Installing a jumper on JP-26 prevents data memory writes from "wrapping around" to the beginning of memory in cases of list processor memory overflow.

If the jumper is not installed everything will still work properly, however when running at high data rates there will be data corruption if the data memory overflows.

JP-27 - installed
JP-28 - not installed
JP-29 - not installed

These are the standard factory settings. They probably don’t make any difference in this case.

JP-30 - doesn’t exist
JP-31 - factory set, don’t change (manual claims this exists but I can’t find it)
JP-32 - factory set, don’t change
JP-33 - factory set, don’t change
JP-34 - factory set, don’t change

JP-30 - JP-34 deal with the data memory size. They depend on which memory ICs are installed in the board and are set by the factory. Don’t change them unless you know what you are doing.


The shared memory partition used for data processing needs to be created and initialized before starting this program.

The list processor configuration and the shared memory partition configuration should only be changed when data collection is NOT in progress else a program crash will probably result.

load_lp_config(8) is used to load the shared memory configuration. The first time this program is used it creates the shared memory partition.

This program responds to diagnostic logging using DIAG_1.

The program queries the list processor using the test booking instruction (F27A0) and will automatically reload the list processor’s program when it detects that this is necessary. Each time the list processor’s status changes a message is written to stderr.

When the status is bad or another error occurs all DATA records managed by the program have their statuses changed to bad, i.e. all of the displayed parameters change to purple.


# start the program where dbman, MBSseqTask, and DOSEserv
# are all running on the same host.
listp_v2 -drv CAMAC
# start the program where dbman, MBSseqTask, and DOSEserv
# where these programs are running on other hosts.
# Usually in this case AccelNET uses the environment variables
# DBMAN_HOST, MBS_HOST, and DOSE_HOST to specify the hostnames
# where the related services are running.
listp_v2 --dbman_host $DBMAN_HOST \
--dose_host $DOSE_HOST \

--mbs_host $MBS_HOST -drv CAMAC

See Also

HISTmngr_v2(1) ,
load_lp_configuration_v2(8) ,
read_lp_configuration_v2(8) ,
read_lp_data_v2(8) ,
LISTPsetup_v2(8) ,
cntqry_v2(5) ,
lprg_v2(5) ,
pconv_v2(5) ,

Manual page revision

$Id: listp_v2.8,v 2.6 2007/10/01 14:05:46 kitchen Exp $

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