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dbman_status - query dbman for status
dbman_status <long_options>
This program makes a connection to
and then performs
Tsync queries to test dbman’s health.
The user can retrieve various bits
of information by typing commands into stdin and reading the responses
from stdout.
The purpose of this program is to provide an interface between
the AccelNET menu system and dbman to enable the menu system to report
on the health of AccelNET.
The program does not exit when dbman isn’t running
or dbshutdown is performed etc. Instead it attempts to reestablish a connection.
It exits when stdin is closed or it receives SIGINT etc.
Type "H" or "help"
to stdin after the program starts to find out what commands it supports.
Argument processing is done using Unix long argument syntax.
values of all the parameters listed here (whether or not they were supplied
on the command line) are printed on stderr when the program starts if verbosity
> 0.
- --dbman_host <hn>
The host where dbman is running.
- --dbman_name <name>
The name to use when registering with dbman.
- --tsync_interval <n>
The amount of time between sending Tsync requests. The value is in seconds.
- --no_ready <n>
Don’t send "conn_ready" or "conn_bad" messages to stdout when the status
of the connection changes.
- --verbose <level>
The amount of diagnostic information to print. If <level> is missing then
it defaults to 1.
- --help
Print the help information and exit.
0 = success 1 = failure on startup due to a bad arg etc.
--dbman_host csdev1
$Id: dbman_status.1,v 1.0 2009/09/28
13:28:47 kitchen Exp $
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