This program supports ACT modules with watchdog functionality.
This allows watchdog timeout functionality to be incorporated in places where it might be desirable to do things like turn off status controls or set safe voltage controls if the watchdog timer expires.
It provides a choice of automatically resetting the timeout or allowing the user to reset the timer from the control system.
This program is required for actSCtask and actACtask unless they are passed the --ignore_wd flag. Outputs are not initialized until the watchdog timer has been armed by this program.
The program registers with dbman as WDtask.
Argument processing is done using Unix long argument syntax.
The values of all of the parameters listed here (whether or not they were supplied on the command line) are printed on stderr when the program starts.
If this argument is not supplied the default is "localhost".
The DBMAN_HOST environment variable is used if present.
If this argument is not supplied the default is "/dev/kbuss".
If this argument is not supplied the default is "KBUSS_1".
If this argument is not supplied the default is "0".
If this argument is not supplied the default is "15".
This argument prevents this from happening on startup. It is then up to the user to explicitly issue the commands to initialize the timer.
This argument causes the program to reinitialize after a communication or power failure.
This argument causes the program to reinitialize after a timeout when no communication or power failure has occured. This option is here as a safeguard, but should never happen in practice.
If this argument is not supplied the default is "3000" (3 seconds).
If this argument is not supplied the default is "1000" (1 second).
If this argument is supplied the internal help is printed to stderr and the program exits.
The bit field usage is:
0-15 - individual
module timeout status, based on KBUSS address
16 - global timeout status, active if any individual module is timed out
When the bits are set they indicate a timeout.
Note: Communication and power failure status is not reflected, only timer timeouts.
The bit field usage is:
0-15 - individual module timer
initialization, based on KBUSS address
16 - global timer initialization, affects all modules
The bits are "momentary". Asserting them actuates the listed function.
These keys are used to determine the addresses of the modules to service. They are primarily used by their respective tasks to configure module behavior when a timeout occurs.
actWDtask --auto_init --auto_reset