This program supports a Kinetic Systems KSC3792 CAMAC module.
This program can be run in place of WDtask(8) .
It offers more control over the operation of watchdog timer module and also provides status read capability to the AccelNET database.
This allows watchdog timeout functionality to be incorporated in places where it might be desirable to do things like turn off status controls if the watchdog timer times out or if a power fail occurs.
It provides a choice of automatically resetting the timeout (like WDtask) or allowing the user to reset the timer from the control system.
There is also a choice of whether or not to reset the timeout at startup time.
When running it writes an update message to the module to prevent it from timing out. The tmo update message is written every 3 seconds.
When enabled the module initialization commands are written every 10 seconds. This allows the program to automatically reinitialize the module if the crate is switched off/on.
The program registers with dbman as WDtask.
Argument processing is done using Unix long argument syntax.
The values of all of the parameters listed here (whether or not they were supplied on the command line) are printed on stderr when the program starts.
If this argument is not supplied the default is "localhost".
If this argument is not supplied the default is "/dev/camac".
If this argument is not supplied the default is "CAMAC".
If this argument is not supplied the default is "1".
If this argument is not supplied the default is "99".
This argument prevents this from happening on startup. It is then up to the user to explicitly issue the commands to clear both functions.
This argument causes the program to periodically issue the reset commands.
Supplying this argument causes the program to imitate the behavior of WDtask(8) .
If this argument is supplied the internal help is printed to stderr and the program exits.
The BUSY-XEQ jumper should be set to the XEQ position. This causes the module’s timer to be reset by commands sent by WDtask.
If this jumper is set to the BUSY position (the factory default) then any I/O to the crate will reset the timer. This may be OK, however, XEQ is the prefered settting.
The INH jumper should be set to the INH position to allow the module to control the dataway inhibit line. This is necessary if the module is to be used to control a KSC3075 module.
The MN jumper should normally be set to the no MN position unless it is desired to monitor an outside voltage. See the module manual for more information.
The E12 jumper should normally be set to the E12 position unless a very old crate which doesn’t supply +/-12V is used.
The TONE jumpers for power fail and watchdog timeout should probably be set to the no TONE position to prevent the annoying beeper in the module from sounding.
The bit field usage is:
0 - watchdog timeout
1 - power fail occurred
7-2 - not used
8 - mains power failed
9 - -12V power failed
10 - +12V power failed
11 - -24V power failed
12 - +24V power failed
13 - -6V power failed
14 - +6V power failed
When the bits are set they indicate the listed condition.
Note: "mains power failed" requires setting the MN jumper and connecting a voltage source to the front panel connector. See the module manual for more information.
Note2: +/-12V power fail detection depends on the setting of the E12 jumper. Normally this is enabled. However some very old CAMAC crates do not provide +/-12V and require setting the jumper to the disabled position. See the module manual for more information.
The bit field usage is:
0 - reset the watchdog timeout
1 - reset the power fail
The bits are "momentary". Asserting them actuates the listed function.
The sc DATA register status is not being properly set if the module is missing. However sr DATA register status is working properly. We’ll ignore this for now.
WDtask2_v2 --auto_init