If this is not specified it defaults to "MNGRconf" in the current working directory (i.e. the directory where the program was started).
If this argument is not specified it generally defaults to the program name.
The program is called when a match in found in the value field in the corresponding MNGRconf entry.
The program is invoked as progname arg1 arg2 arg3 where arg1 is the group name, arg2 is the function name, arg3 is the index value from the CONFLIST used to configure the program.
0 - work silently
1 - print signon msg, option settings
Parameters needed by this program can be combined with parameters belonging to other programs. The "program name" field in the configuration file differentiates the entries.
SCRIPTmngr uses "SCRIPTmngr" as the program name when searching the file.
Configuration name usage is free form. Any combination of group, function and index may be used. It is probably good to avoid using the const* and file* functions. SCRIPTmngr will attempt to subscribe to all entries in the list.
For example: g1 --> CFG1, read1 --> CFread1.
This has now been changed so that the args are of the same form as used in the MNGRconf file. This causes breakage of the script file so this file must be repaired when upgrading. 9-9-04rlk.
case $2 in
case $3 in
0) # not used
1) # TE beamline
echo "BM 02-1|Radius |0.9064" | $PROG $DBMAN_HOST
echo "BM TD-1|Radius |1.0350" | $PROG $DBMAN_HOST
2) # TD beamline
echo "BM 02-1|Radius |0.9064" | $PROG $DBMAN_HOST
echo "BM TD-1|Radius |2.7730" | $PROG $DBMAN_HOST
3) # TZ beamline
echo "BM 02-1|Radius |7.1892" | $PROG $DBMAN_HOST
4) # TC beamline
echo "BM 02-1|Radius |7.1892" | $PROG $DBMAN_HOST
5) # TB beamline
echo "BM 02-1|Radius |2.2940" | $PROG $DBMAN_HOST
6) # TA beamline
echo "BM 02-1|Radius |1.1469" | $PROG $DBMAN_HOST