It uses one datapoint ( comm1 ) to determine when to ramp another datapoint ( ctl1 ) up/down. comm2 is the final value of ctl1 when ramping up. comm3 is the final value of ctl1 when ramping down.
<const1 1> allows a choice of behaviors when the value of comm2 is changed.
If the value of <const1 1> is zero then when ramping up or down is complete further changes to comm2 are copied directly through to ctl1 i.e. no ramping takes place.
If <const1 1> is nonzero then whenever the value of comm2 is changed ctl1 ramps to the new value.
<const2 1> provides similiar behavior when using comm3
comm1 is used to control ramp initiation. When comm1.Current equals comm1.Preset it ramps up, else it ramps down.
A typical use might be to ramp up a power supply when it is turned on. In this case comm1 would be the PwrSC, comm2 is the voltage control manipulated by the operator and ctl1 is the hardware voltage control for the power supply.
If this is not specified it defaults to "MNGRconf" in the current working directory (i.e. the directory where the program was started).
If this argument is not specified it generally defaults to the program name.
This argument is useful when setting up the parameters for RAMPmngr because it makes it very easy to kill and restart the program after changing the config file.
Parameters needed by this program can be combined with parameters belonging to other programs. The "program name" field in the configuration file differentiates the entries.
RAMPmngr uses "RAMPmngr" as the program name when searching the file.
Eight groups are supported.
if this is not supplied ctl1.PhyMax is used
if this is not supplied ctl1.PhyMin is used
if not supplied steps defaults to 1
See the description above.
This is the amount of time to wait between steps.
if not supplied deltaT defaults to 1
if not supplied steps defaults to 1
See the description above.
This is the amount of time to wait between steps.
if not supplied deltaT defaults to 1
The deltaT parameters (const1/2 1) determine how much time to wait between steps.
For example, if the system is configured with steps=100 and deltaT=2 then it will take 200 seconds to ramp to the new value.
In this application we want the power supply to ramp up to the operating value when the supply is enabled. When the supply is disabled we want it to immediately go to zero.
RAMPmngr is configured for 100 setups with 1 second between steps.
In this case comm2 is used and comm3 is not.
The MNGRconf entries look like this:
# BIA S1-1 EnableSC - the enable control
# BIA S1-1 VC - the VC control setting
# BIA S1-1 VCactual - the DAC setting
RAMPmngr|g1|comm1 |0|BIA S1-1|EnableSC|1.0
RAMPmngr|g1|comm2 |0|BIA S1-1|VC |
RAMPmngr|g1|ctl1 |0|BIA S1-1|VCactual|
# these are used to control ramp up
# const1 0 - ramp up - number of steps
# const1 1 - ramp up - slew mode
# const1 2 - ramp up - deltaT
RAMPmngr|g1|const1 |0|NULL |NULL |100
RAMPmngr|g1|const1 |1|NULL |NULL |1
RAMPmngr|g1|const1 |2|NULL |NULL |1
# these are used to control ramp down
# const2 0 - ramp up - number of steps
# const2 1 - ramp up - slew mode
# const2 2 - ramp up - deltaT
# in this case none of the entries are needed
# since we are asking that the power supply go
# immediately to zero when disabled
# (notice they are commented out)
#RAMPmngr|g1|const2 |0|NULL |NULL |100
#RAMPmngr|g1|const2 |1|NULL |NULL |1
#RAMPmngr|g1|const2 |2|NULL |NULL |1
In this case for some reason or another we want a power supply to slew between two different values depending on the state of <comm1>.
This example uses <comm2> to set the ’enabled" value and <comm3> to set the "disabled" value.
Notice that the number of steps used for the up ramp is different than the number of steps in the down ramp. This has the effect of making the supply ramp downward twice as fast as it ramps up.
If the "const" entries are commented out the supply will switch between the two values rather than ramping.
The MNGRconf entries look like this:
# BIA S1-1 EnableSC - the enable control
# BIA S1-1 VCmin - the VC min control setting
# BIA S1-1 VCmax - the VC max control setting
# BIA S1-1 VCactual - the DAC setting
RAMPmngr|g1|comm1 |0|BIA S1-1|EnableSC|1.0
RAMPmngr|g1|comm2 |0|BIA S1-1|VCmin |
RAMPmngr|g1|comm3 |0|BIA S1-1|VCmax |
RAMPmngr|g1|ctl1 |0|BIA S1-1|VCactual|
# these are used to control ramp down
# const1 0 - ramp up - number of steps
# const1 1 - ramp up - slew mode
# const1 2 - ramp up - deltaT
RAMPmngr|g1|const1 |0|NULL |NULL |200
RAMPmngr|g1|const1 |1|NULL |NULL |1
RAMPmngr|g1|const1 |2|NULL |NULL |1
# these are used to control ramp down
# const2 0 - ramp up - number of steps
# const2 1 - ramp up - slew mode
# const2 2 - ramp up - deltaT
RAMPmngr|g1|const2 |0|NULL |NULL |100
RAMPmngr|g1|const2 |1|NULL |NULL |1
RAMPmngr|g1|const2 |2|NULL |NULL |1