Several operations are supported. See the explanations below for more information.
The arguments marked required must be supplied.
Arguments marked optional are not required. However, if an optional argument is used the arguments preceeding it on the command line must be supplied (even if they are marked optional).
Valid operations are: sload, sload_sav, load_def, load_sav, and save_sav.
See the section Operation of various commands below for an explanation of the various operations.
See the section Operation of various commands below for an explanation of the role of the <file> argument in various operations.
If the <file> arg is not provided the current working directory is used and concatenated with the default file name.
If the <file> arg is provided and is an absolute pathname, i.e. it starts with a "/", then the <file> arg as provided is used as the file and path name to store the configuration.
If the <file> arg is provided and is not an absolute pathname, i.e. it doesn’t start with a "/", then the current working directory and the <file> arg are concatenated together to form the file and path name.
This or the sload_sav operation should be the first dmngr_config load command issued to DMANserv after startup. These are very important commands because they set the pathname to the directory which will be used for save operations issued from this program or from DMANmngr.
When DMANserv_v2(8) receives this command it checks to see if this is the first time a configuration has been loaded. If so then the load is allowed.
If not then DMANserv_v2(8) checks to see if this is the same file which was loaded previously. If so the file is loaded.
If it is a different file then a check is made to see if a runlist is in progress. If a runlist is in progress the load is rejected and an error message is written back to the user otherwise the file is loaded.
The same rules described for the sload command with regard to filenames, pathnames and DMANserv’s load rules also apply here.
The difference is that DMANserv_v2(8) will first look for a ".sav" file by appending ".sav" to the file/path name provided by this program. If found the ".sav" file will be loaded.
Otherwise the default will be loaded as described above for the sload command.
This causes DMANserv_v2(8) to load the default configuration file using the pathname to the file previously established by an sload or sload_sav operation.
In this case the filename argument is ignored.
If an sload or sload_sav operation has not been performed this operation is rejected.
This command can also be issued from DMANmngr_v2(1) .
In this case the filename argument is ignored.
If an sload or sload_sav operation has not been performed this operation is rejected.
This command can also be issued from DMANmngr_v2(1) .
If the <file> arg is not provided the ".sav" file is written into the directory previously established by an sload or sload_sav operation.
If an sload or sload_sav operation has not been performed (and no filename is provided) the operation is rejected.
If the <file> arg is provided and is a relative pathname then the current working directory is used.
If the <file> arg is provided and is an absolute pathname then the file is written into the provided pathname.
In all cases if the ".sav" file already exists it is overwritten.
This command (without a filename) can also be issued from DMANmngr_v2(1) . This causes the .sav to be written into the species directory i.e. the directory established by a previous sload or sload_sav operation.
Usually the standard AccelNET environment variables are used:
Many times a "species" is also involved. Here we will show this as an environment variable, the set_species script may do it differently.
The hostname where DMANserv_v2(8) is running is the first argument to the program. Usually this is also a standard AccelNET environment variable.
DMANsetconfig_v2 $DMAN_HOST sload $CF/dmngr_config_v2
For those who may not understand UNIX shell semantics "$CF/dmngr_config_v2" resolves to:
DMANsetconfig_v2 localhost sload_sav $CF/dmngr_config_v2
DMANsetconfig_v2 $DMAN_HOST load_def
DMANsetconfig_v2 $DMAN_HOST load_sav
DMANsetconfig_v2 $DMAN_HOST save_sav
This program is deprecated. Use DMANcontrol_v2(8) instead.