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DMANcontext_v2 - tell DMANserv_v2 to load or save it’s context


DMANcontext_v2 [dman_host] [operation] [file]


This program tells DMANserv_v2(8) to load or save it’s context file.


Parsing of the arguments is simple minded.

The arguments marked required must be supplied.

Arguments marked optional are not required. However, if an optional argument is used the arguments preceeding it on the command line must be supplied (even if they are marked optional).

dman_host - required

the host where DMANserv_v2(8) is running
operation - required

valid operation codes are load and save.
files - optional

The pathname of the file to use for loading or saving the context.

If this argument is omitted the file name result_state is saved or loaded in the current working directory.


# load a file named context_save in the cwd
DMANcontext_v2 localhost load context_file #
# save a file named context_save in the cwd
DMANcontext_v2 localhost save context_file


This program is deprecated. Use DMANcontrol_v2(8) instead.

Manual Page Revision

$Id: DMANcontext_v2.8,v 2.2 2007/08/06 12:38:22 kitchen Exp $

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