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263task - Keithley 263 I/O service


263task <argument list>


Serial I/O service for a Keithly 263 constant current source using a Keithley 100 GPIB/serial interface.

The program expects to find several refnames under the label. See Keithley Current Source Database RefNames for more information.


Argument processing is done using Unix long argument syntax.

The values of all the parameters listed here are printed on stderr when the program starts, whether or not they were supplied on the command line.

--dbman_host <hn>
The host where dbman is running. This is optional, and will default to localhost or the current value of the DBMAN_HOST environment variable.
--local <iopath>
The local device path to connect to when connecting locally. The local or remote mode must be specified
--remote <host>,<port>
When connecting in remote mode, this specifies the host and port to connect to. The remote or local mode must be specified.
--label <label>
A label from the database. A label must be specified.

Prints a help message detailing program usage and the current Accelnet version.

Keithley Current Source Database RefNames

The RefNames in this group relate to parameters in the Keithley current source.


Current control (used in current mode).


Voltage control (used in voltage mode).


Current source output enable control.
0 = off
1 = on - default


Current and voltage modes are presently supported.
0 = current mode - default
1 = voltage mode


Reset status control. This is used to reinitialize the communications and resync the current source with the database.
0 = nop
1 = reset


This program uses a Keithley RS232 to GPIB converter to communicate with the current source. The DTR line is used to reset (and perhaps power) the converter, therefore the serial cable should have all of the handshaking lines present.

The program places the instrument in autoranging mode. This causes the instrument to momentarily go to zero whenever a new value is written to the instrument.

The program uses IEEE address 8. This is the default in the current source.


263task --dbman_host csdev1 --local /dev/com2 --label KII 02-1
263task --dbman_host csdev1 --remote csdev11,ETSraw1 --label KII 02-1

Note that the label needs to be quoted for the shell to treat it as a single argument.

Manual page revision

$Id: 263task.8,v 1.7 2008/09/22 14:05:48 kitchen Exp $

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