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tbl_size - table sizing configuration file
A program using
the AccelNET table facilities may load table size information from a configuration
file using LoadDBtableSize(3tbl)
. This manual page describes the format
of the file used by LoadDBtableSize(3tbl)
line in the configuration file is one entry. The file may contain blank
lines. Lines starting with a # are treated as comment lines. Whitespace is
used as a field separator.
Entries in the configuration file consist of
two fields. The first field identifies which table. The second field is the
Table sizes are given in increments of 32 records, i.e. if the table
size is given as 1, space for 32 records will be allocated.
The table management
system is designed to fit many situations which come up when writing AccelNET
programs. For that reason there are two special values for table sizes.
means that no allocation for this table is allowed.
0 means that allocation
will be performed using malloc() rather than allocating a record from the
pool of records created (also possibly by malloc) when the table management
system is initialized.
The REFNAME table size.
The MSGKEY table size.
The MSGTBL table size.
This is not in used by anything at this time.
The QLIST table size.
The WLOCK table size.
The LABEL table size.
The DESC table size.
The DATA table size.
The BOXREC table size.
The PADREC table size.
The PAGE table size.
The TEXTDISP table size.
The FIXDISP table size.
The VARDISP table size.
The ICONDISP table size.
The BUTTON table size.
The PGLLIST table size.
The PGDLIST table size.
The PGBLIST table size.
The TOUCH table size.
This is used by Xcrt(1)
dbman doesn’t use this so
the size is usually set to -1 in this case.
The IOTRANS table size.
This is used by the I/O managers. In that case the
size is usually set to 0 because the I/O managers are happy building the
I/O lists using malloc().
dbman doesn’t use this so the size is usually
set to -1 in this case.
The IODATA table size.
This is used by the I/O managers. In that case the
size is usually set to 0 because the I/O managers are happy building the
I/O lists using malloc().
dbman doesn’t use this so the size is usually
set to -1 in this case.
The CHKLIST table size.
The CHKPOINT table size.
The CHKACTION table size.
The CHKALARM table size.
The NUMLIST table size.
The NUMPOINT table size.
# Master database Table size definitions
# refname/msgtbl
REFNAMEsize 550 #
MSGKEYsize 100 #
MSGTBLsize 600 #
# dynamic records
QUEsize -1 # not in use
QLISTsize 160 #
WLOCKsize 4 # write locks
# basic database
LABELsize 10 #
DESCsize 60 #
DATAsize 32 #
BOXRECsize 1 #
PADRECsize 1 #
# display page
PAGEsize 4 #
TEXTDISPsize 15 #
FIXDISPsize 50 #
VARDISPsize 50 #
ICONDISPsize 47 #
BUTTONsize 1 #
PGLLISTsize 5 #
PGDLISTsize 20 #
PGBLISTsize 1 #
TOUCHsize -1 # not used by dbman
# I/O management
IOTRANSsize -1 # not used by dbman
IODATAsize -1 # not used by dbman
# NLK management
CHKLISTsize 15 #
CHKPOINTsize 15 #
CHKACTIONsize 18 #
CHKALARMsize 15 #
# Numeric processing
NUMLISTsize 8 #
NUMPOINTsize 16 #
Yes, this manual page is inadequate.
Your probably wondering what all the tables are for...
tbl_size.5,v 1.1 2002/04/07 19:38:06 kitchen Exp $
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