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nlk_conf - interlock processing configuration file


A program using the AccelNET numeric processing facilities may load table information from a configuration file using LoadInterlockTable(). This manual page describes the format of the file used by LoadInterlockTable().

Configuration File Format

Each line in the configuration file is one entry. The file may contain blank lines. Lines starting with a # are treated as comment lines. | is used as a field separator.

Entries in the configuration file consist of a variable number of fields. The first field identifies the type of entry. Interlock processing has four possible entry types chklist, chkpoint, chkact, and chkalarm.

chklist entries cause a record of type CHKLIST to be added to the table.

chkpoint entries cause a record of type CHKPOINT to be added to the table.

chkact entries cause a record of type CHKACTION to be added to the table.

chkalarm entries cause a record of type CHKALARM to be added to the table.

Each processing chain contains:
one CHKLIST record,
a variable number of CHKPOINT records,
a variable number of CHKACTION records,
and a variable number of CHKALARM records,


Each entry consists of the following fields: entry_name, recid, label, refname, default value, timeout and comments


Each entry consists of the following fields: entry_name, mrecid, recid, CPtype, label, refname, LimLo, LimHi, offset and comments.


Each entry consists of the following fields: entry_name, mrecid, recid, mask1, mask2, value, and comments.


Each entry consists of the following fields: entry_name, mrecid, recid, mask1, mask2, message

CPtype keywords

See the cp_type(7) manual page for usage information.


# this example show an interlock chain for a beamline
# valve there is an IGC on either side of the valve
# and the filiment status read is used to for the
# gauge status.
# BLV 02-1 NlkSC is an interlock bypass control
chklist |1|BLV 02-1|PwrSR |0|3|
chkpoint|1|1|CPmask |BLV 02-1|PosSC |0|0|0|
chkpoint|1|2|CPmask |BLV 02-1|NlkSC |0|0|1|
chkpoint|1|3|CPmask |IGC 02-1|FilSR |0|0|2|
chkpoint|1|4|CPmask |IGC 02-2|FilSR |0|0|3|
chkact |1|1|03|03|1|on/byp/VacOK/VacOK
chkact |1|2|0f|0D|1|on/nrm/VacOK/VacOK
chkalarm|1|1|05|01|BLV 02-1 - IGC 02-1 bad vacuum
chkalarm|1|2|09|01|BLV 02-1 - IGC 02-2 bad vacuum

See Also

libalm.3, NLKmngr2.8


Manual page revision

$Id: nlk_conf.5,v 1.0 2001/09/12 13:55:01 kitchen Exp $

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