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dmngr_config_v2 - DMANserv_v2 file name and report format configuration file format


dmngr_config_v2 contains directives used to control various facets of DMANserv_v2(8) ’s operation.

Abundant and rare isotope file creation and naming, diagnostic file creation, coefficents for estimating hard disk space usage, report formats and column headers are all specified in this file.

Directives are specified as directive_name directive_value pairs in the file.

A directive pair is used to describe each parameter in DMANserv_v2(8) ’s parameter configuration table.

For example, to set the name of rare isotope data collection file to evt14 as might be the case for collecting carbon data the directive would be set like this:

fname_es_evt evt14

A file containing the proper settings is created for each AMS species. A directory is created for each species and the file is placed in it.

The dmngr_config files are usually located in the /AccelNET/$CONF/ams_setup/<species>/ directory.

See environ(5) for information about CONF.

See DMANsetconfig_v2(8) for information on how to ask DMANserv_v2(8) . to load this file.

See DMANdiag_v2(8) for information on how to ask DMANserv_v2(8) for a copy of the currently loaded config table.

The file directives are divided into sections. Each section deals with a particular aspect of DMANserv_v2(8) ’s operation.

For example, there is a section dealing with the file names used for abundant isotope data collection, another for rare isotope file names, another for setting the display properties such as the column label, the numeric field formats, and so forth.

Abundant Isotope Filename Directives

These directives control naming and creation of abundant isotope logging files created in the run directory. If the directive isn’t present a file will not be created.

Data collection channels in the hardware are associated with these file names by setting the DevType in the AccelNET database records associated with the transient recorder channel. The DevType associated with each file name is given below. At this time two DevTypes are associated with each file name.


First low energy abundant isotope multicup.
DevType = (4010le0v, 4022le0v)

Second low energy abundant isotope multicup.
DevType = (4010le1v, 4022le1v)

Third low energy abundant isotope multicup.
DevType = (4010le2v, 4022le2v)

Fourth low energy abundant isotope multicup.
DevType = (4010le3v, 4022le3v)
Fifth low energy abundant isotope multicup.
DevType = (4010le4v, 4022le4v)
Sixth low energy abundant isotope multicup.
DevType = (4010le5v, 4022le5v)

First high energy abundant isotope multicup.
DevType = (4010he0v, 4022he0v)

Second high energy abundant isotope multicup.
DevType = (4010he1v, 4022he1v)

Third high energy abundant isotope multicup.
DevType = (4010he2v, 4022he2v)

Fourth high energy abundant isotope multicup.
DevType = (4010he3v, 4022he3v)

Fifth high energy abundant isotope multicup.
DevType = (4010he4v, 4022he4v)

Sixth high energy abundant isotope multicup.
DevType = (4010he5v, 4022he5v)

Rare Isotope Filename Directives

These directives control naming and creation of rare isotope logging files created in the run directory. If the directive isn’t present a file will not be created.
Rare isotope event data file.
DevType is DevH1341_1.
Rare isotope histogramming data file.
DevType is DevH1341_1.

Information file produced by rare isotope data collection. This file is used by playback to facilitate dead time correction.
DevType is DevH1341_1.

Information file produced by rare isotope data collection. This file can be used by playback restore gate settings used during data collection.
DevType is DevH1341_1.

Setup/Logging Filename Directives

File naming for setup and runlog files.

The name of the setup file created in the run directory.

The name of the runlog file created in the batch directory.

The name of the runlog sorted by cathode file created in the batch directory.

The name of the export format runlog file created in the batch directory.

The name of the runlog file created in the batch directory when in simulation mode.

Diagnostic Filename Directives

These directives control naming and creation of diagnostic files for purposes of software debugging. Usage of these directives requires internal knowledge of the AccelNET AMS software. If the directive isn’t present a file will not be created. Usually a user will not need these directives.

Diagnostic file type 1.

If this is defined listp_v2(8) will create a file in each run directory and write all kinds of fascinating messages in it.


Diagnostic file type 2.

If this is defined TRtask(8) will create a file in each run directory and write all kinds of fascinating messages in it.


Diagnostic file type 3.

Not in use at this time.


Diagnostic file type 4.

Not in use at this time.

Disk Space Calculation Parameters

These directives are used to set the values of coefficents for estimating the amount of disk space required to hold the AMS data to be gathered during the run. If the directive isn’t present a default value is used.
fsize_cup_calc <yes/no>

If the value is yes estimation of cup file sizes will be included in disk space calculations.

If the value is no cup file space will not be included in the estimate.

The default value is yes.

NOTE: I don’t think this works


The number of characters in one line (including a newline) of abundant isotope data.

The default value is 32.


The number of abundant isotope events expected for each jumping cycle.

The default value is 1.


The number of abundant isotope measurement files that will be created.

The value of this parameter should be equal to the number of abundant isotope file names which have been defined.

The default value is 4.

Yes, one could count the file name definitions instead.....

fsize_evt_calc <yes/no>

If the value is yes estimation of rare isotope file sizes will be included in disk space calculations.

If the value is no rare isotope file space will not be included in the estimate. In this case the values of fsize_evt_size and fsize_evt_cycle are ignored.

The default value is yes.


The number of characters in one line (including a newline) of rare isotope data.

The default value is 50.


The number of rare isotope events expected for each jumping cycle.

The default value is 10.


total number of rare isotope files.

The default value is 1.


The amount to multiply the total disk space estimate by after it is calculated.

The default value is 1.1.


The number of blocks to reserve on the disk volume. If the amount of free space on the disk volume drops below this number data collection will pause and the accelerator and ion source will park if parking is enabled.

The default value is 5000.

Interlock system Parameters


Nlk chain #1 - The amount of time to delay before entering pause.

The default value is 0.

Nlk chain #1 - The amount of time to delay before entering run.

The default value is 0.

Nlk chain #1 - The amount of time to delay before parking.

The default value is 0.

Nlk chain #2 - The amount of time to delay before entering pause.

The default value is 10.

Nlk chain #2 - The amount of time to delay before entering run.

The default value is 10.

Nlk chain #2 - The amount of time to delay before parking.

The default value is 60.

Information about display label and field formats

Column labels

All column labels described below for cups, counters, ratios, and parameters are shared between all displays and reports using them.

For example, cup_label_le1 is used in DMANmngr’s runlist, results, and summary windows where LE cup 1 has been selected for display.

It is also used by DMANserv_v2(8) when printing the runlog, etc. and by DMANprint_v2(8) for it’s printing operations.

This is similiarly true for counters, ratios, and parameters.

The maximum size of a label field is: 11.

Field formats

Field formats are used in all places where the parameter they are associated with appears.

Valid values are:

nil - field display is suppressed
F0 - X
F1 - X.X
F2 - X.XX
F3 - X.XXX
E0 - XeYY
E1 - X.XeYY
E2 - X.XXeYY

Faraday Cup Display Parameters

See "Information about display label and field formats" for more information about parameters in this section.

The column labels for the LE Faraday cups.

The column labels for the HE Faraday cups.


The field format for the LE Faraday cups.

The field format for the HE Faraday cups.

The field format for the LE Faraday cups charge state.

The field format for the HE Faraday cups charge state.

Counter Display Parameters

See "Information about display label and field formats" for more information about parameters in this section.

The column labels for the counters.

The field width for the counters. If the value is zero display of the counter is suppressed.

The field width for the dead time corrected counters. If the value is zero display of the counter is suppressed.

The field format for the live time fraction fields.

The field format for the deltaT fields.

The field format for the counter uncertainty fields.

Counter Runtime Control

See "Information about display label and field formats" for more information about parameters in this section.

Rare isotope count rate limit.

If this value is exceeded measurement of the current item is terminated and subsequent measurements of the item are inhibited by setting the runflag false.

This is very useful in work where the count rates can be too high.


Which counter to use for the count rate limit check.

Valid choices are:

nil - nothing assigned


Which counter to use for checking when to stop collecting data in count mode.

Valid choices are:

nil - nothing assigned

Counter Live Time Fraction Calculation

DMANserv calculates a live time fraction by taking the ratio of any two counters. One counter is the denominator, the other is the numerator for the live time fraction calculation.

The source the numerator.

Valid choices are: nil, cnt(1-8)

The default value is: nil.


The source the denominator.

Valid choices are: nil, cnt(1-8)

The default value is: nil.


When this parameter is set to on live time correction is enabled. Setting it to off disables live time fraction correction.

The default value is: off.

Note that this setting is the default setting for DMANserv and can be changed from a button in DMANmngr after loading the dmngr_config file.

Ratio Display Parameters

See "Information about display label and field formats" for more information about parameters in this section.


The column labels for the ratios and means.

The default value is: rat(1-8)


The field format for the ratios and means.

The default value is: F3


The field format for the weight fields.

The default value is: F3


The field format for the scatter fields.

The default value is: F3


The field format for the stddev fields.

The default value is: F3


The field format for the sdom fields.

The default value is: F3


The field format for the stat fields.

The default value is: F3


The field format for the unc fields.

The default value is: F3


The field format for the stddevP fields.

The default value is: F3


The field format for the sdomP fields.

The default value is: F3


The field format for the statP fields.

The default value is: F3


The field format for the uncP fields.

The default value is: F3


The field format for the chi fields.

The default value is: F3

Ratio Calculation Parameters


numerator (nil, cup*, cnt *)

denominator (nil, cup*)

source of count for calculating: DMR.uncertainty, DMM.stat.stat, DMM.stat.chi DMSU.stat.stat, DMSU.stat.chi


DMM.ratio - source of cup I for DMR.ratio weighting (nil, cup*)

ratio scaling factor

after the ratio is calculated it is multiplied by this value and the answer is placed in the results table


If the value is yes an asterisk is displayed at the beginning of the sdom and sdom% fields when chiSQ is flunking.

Parameter Display Parameters

See "Information about display label and field formats" for more information about parameters in this section.

The column labels for the parameter fields.

The default value is: par(1-8)


The field format for the parameter fields.

The default value is: F3

Weighting and Misc Parameters

Parameters in this section control how DMANserv performs various calculations.

They should be set like this for the same behavior as abc:

run_weight_type auto
sum_weight_type unc

sum_chi_mode auto


runlist item weighting type

possible values are: auto and equal


summary weighting type

possible values are: equal, cupI, and unc


summary chi mode

possible values are: auto and 1st

Judgement Parameters

Parameters listed in this section control how the cathode judgment process operates.

The judgment process is an external program DMANjudge_v2(8) which communicates with DMANserv_v2(8) .

When DMANserv wants a judgement rendered it sends a message to DMANjudge asking for a judgement. DMANjudge performs it’s calculations and reponds with either pass or fail.

Two parameters in the runlist, Jn and Jlimit interact with the judgement process. These parameters are specified as part of an item directive in the runlist.

Jn is the minimum number of measurements on which to base a judgement.

Jlimit is the value below which the error must be before the item passes judgement.

A batch directive (batch judge <off/on>) may be used to enable of disable judgement when the runlist is loaded.


what type of judgement is to be performed.

Choices are: Nbest, Nrecent, Nmin_best. or Nmin_recent.

Nbest calculates the statistics for all the measurements and finds which Jn number of measurements are the best ones.

The remaining measurements are excluded and the statistics recalculated.

Finally the appropriate number (selected below, see the judge_rat_src and judge_rat_fld directives) is compared to Jlimit and judgement is rendered.

Nrecent calculates the statistics of the Jn most recent runs.

The appropriate number is compared to Jlimit and judgement is rendered.

Nmin_best calculates the statistics for all the measurements and compares the result to Jlimit.

If the result is greater than Jlimit the measurement with the greatest scatter is excluded and results are recalculated.

If the result is worse than the previous result the process stops and judgement is rendered.

If the result is better than (or the same as) the previous result the process is continued until there are at most Jn results left unexcluded.

Nmin_recent starts by calculating the statistics for the N most recent measurements and compares the result to Jlimit.

If the result is greater than Jlimit the next oldest measurement is added and results are recalculated.

If the result is worse than the previous result the process stops and judgement is rendered.

If the result is better than (or the same as) the previous result the process is continued until all measurements are included.


The field format for the Jlimit and Jvalue fields.

Which ratio’s item statistics to use as the source of the judgement comparison.

Valid values are: rat1-8

Which field in the selected ratio to use as the source of the judgement comparison.

Valid values are: stddev,sdom,stat,sdomP,statP,unc,uncP

The uncertainty calculations may be performed in two different ways when judging.

Valid values are: abc or stsd

If the value is abc then the uncertainty calculation is performed using the rules of NEC’s abc program.

If the value is stsd then the larger of stat or sdom is used for uncertainty (without regard for the state of chiSQ).

Log file and printing formats

The parameters described in this section control the field display and formatting of various types of reports AccelNET produces.

Each type of report is broken down into subfields.

The ctl subfield is used for displaying fields which are unique to the report.

The cup, cnt, rat, and par fields are used to select which fields of the type will be displayed.

The sfld field is used to select which of several fields associated with an item are to be displayed.

For example, we might wish to print the runlist with the following:

item number, cat position, sample type, sample name, number of completed measurements
cups 1,2, 5,6 average current and total charge
counters 1,2,3 total cnts
ratios 1-3 with mean, sdomP, statP, and chi fields.

First the ctl fields:

log_runlist_fmt_ctl item,pos,type,sample,comp

Next the cups:

log_runlist_fmt_cup cup1,cup2,cup5,cup6
log_runlist_fmt_sfld cupA,cupC

Next the counters:

log_runlist_fmt_cnt cnt1,cnt2,cnt3
log_runlist_fmt_sfld cupA,cupC,cntT

Next the ratios:

log_runlist_fmt_rat rat1,rat2,rat3
log_runlist_fmt_sfld cupA,cupC,cntT,mean,sdomP,statP,chi

Here it is all together:

log_runlist_fmt_ctl item,pos,type,sample,comp
log_runlist_fmt_cup cup1,cup2,cup5,cup6
log_runlist_fmt_cnt cnt1,cnt2,cnt3
log_runlist_fmt_rat rat1,rat2,rat3

log_runlist_fmt_sfld cupA,cupC,cntT,mean,sdomP,statP,chi

Cathode list printing


The control subfield for printing the cathode list.

Valid choices are:

com - comment (this prints on the hdr lines)
pos - cathode position
type - sample type (OXYI, etc.)
sample - sample name and number
sname - sample name
sname2 - aux sample name

Runlist printing


The control subfield.

Valid choices are:

com - comment (this prints on the hdr lines)
eflag - exclude flag
item - item number
aflag - active flag
rflag - run flag
pos - cathode position
grp - group number
type - sample type
sname - sample name
sname2 - aux sample name
sgrp - summary group number
meas - number of measurements to perform
comp - number of completed measurements
res_cnt - number of meas used in calculations
mode - count mode
limT - count Tlimit
limC - count Climit
warm - warm up time
Jn - judge, requested number of meas
Nj - judge, actual number of meas
Jlimit - judge, limit
Jvalue - judge, current value
Jstatus - judge, current judge status


Faraday cup selection subfield.

Valid choices are:


Subfield choices are:

cupA - avg current
cupC - total charge


Counter selection subfield.

Valid choices are:


Subfield choices are:

cntT - total count
cntA - avg count
cntS - sigma stat


Ratio selection subfield.

Valid choices are:


Subfield choices are:

mean -
chgT - num/den total charge
chgP - toggle charge/particles
weight -
dev - the deviation used in the summary calcs
stddev -
sdom -
stat -
unc -
stddevP -
sdomP -
statP -
uncP -
chi -
chi_limit -


Subfield selection mask.

The values should be comma separated on one line with no whitespace between fields.

Results printing


The control subfield.

Valid choices are:

com - comment (this prints on the hdr lines)
eflag - exclude flag
jeflag - judge exclude flag
idx - internal index value (software debug)
item - item number
time - completion time
grp - group number
pos - cathode number
meas - number of measurements to perform
sname - sample name
sname2 - aux sample name
sgrp - summary group number
cycle - number of cycles in measurement


see log_runlist_fmt_cup for a list of valid field choices

Valid subchoices are:

cup - cup current
part - if present display as particle current
else electrical current

chg - charge state
cupC - total charge


see log_runlist_fmt_cnt for a list of valid field choices

Valid subchoices are:

cnt - counter value
dcnt - dead time corrected count
dt - counter value
ltf - live time fraction
cntS - sigma stat
tdl - toggle dtc/ltf display


see log_runlist_fmt_rat for a list of valid field choices

Valid subchoices are:

ratio - ratio = num/den * weight
chgT - num/den total charge
chgP - toggle charge/particles
weight - weighting value
dev - deviation
unc - uncertainty
stat - 1/sqrt(N)
statP - statP = ratio/stat


Parameter selection subfield.

Valid choices are:



see log_runlist_fmt_sfld for a list of valid field choices

General printing


see log_runlog_fmt_ctl

see log_runlog_fmt_cup

see log_runlog_fmt_cnt

see log_runlog_fmt_rat

see log_runlog_fmt_par

see log_runlog_fmt_sfld

Export file printing


see log_runlog_fmt_ctl

see log_runlog_fmt_cup

see log_runlog_fmt_cnt

see log_runlog_fmt_rat

see log_runlog_fmt_par

see the individual log_runlog_fmt_ fields for information

Summary printing


The control subfield.

Valid choices are:

com - comment
grp - summary group
name - cathode name and number for cathode list
res_cnt - number of valid items in calcs


see log_runlog_fmt_cup

Valid subfield choices are:

cupA - avg current
cupC - total charge


see log_runlog_fmt_cnt

Valid subfield choices are:

cntT - total count
cntA - avg count
cntS - sigma stat


see log_runlog_fmt_rat

Valid subfield choices are:

mean -
chgT - num/den total charge
chgP - toggle charge/particles
stddev -
sdom -
stat -
unc -
stddevP -
sdomP -
statP -
uncP -
chi -
chi_limit -


see the individual log_summary_fmt_ fields for information

DMANmngr display formats

Cathode list window


see log_cathode_fmt_ctl

Runlist window


see log_runlist_fmt_ctl

see log_runlist_fmt_cups

set log_runlist_fmt_cnt

set log_runlist_fmt_rat

see log_runlist_fmt_sfld

Results window


see log_runlog_fmt_ctl

see log_runlog_fmt_cup

see log_runlog_fmt_cnt

see log_runlog_fmt_rat

see log_runlog_fmt_par

see log_runlog_fmt_sfld

Summary window


see log_summary_fmt_ctl

see log_summary_fmt_cup

see log_summary_fmt_cnt

see log_summary_fmt_rat

see log_summary_fmt_sfld

Manual page revision

$Id: dmngr_config_v2.5,v 2.12 2007/08/02 19:27:49 kitchen Exp $

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