6. Terminal Server Configuration

This is the setup procedure for the terminal servers.

  1. Turn on power and wait for unit to boot.

  2. Log into the unit and become the super user.

    1. Username> kitchen (this name doesn't matter)

    2. Local_1> su

    3. Passwd> system

  3. Return to boot program.

    1. Local_1>> init noboot

    2. Wait for boot program to come up.

  4. Restore factory defaults.

    1. Boot> flush nvr

    2. Wait for reboot.

  5. Perform initial configuration.

    1. Username> kitchen

    2. Local_1> su

    3. Passwd> system

    4. Local_1>> def server ipaddress

    5. Local_1>> def server startupfile ""

    6. Local_1>> init noboot

  6. Prevent rarp and bootp.

    1. Boot> set server bootp disable

    2. Boot> set server rarp disable

    3. Boot> init 451

    4. Wait for reboot.

  7. System should now be ready to use.