2. Preparing the Operating System

To prepare the system you must be logged in, or su'd to root. If you are not root, then su - and type in the root password.

  1. First, check for RedHat installed postgresql and postgresql-server packages.

        root# rpm -q postgresql-server
        root# rpm -q postgresql
  2. If the packages are installed, you need to remove them.


    Be careful of the order you remove the packages. It may complain about dependencies.

        root# rpm -e postgresql-devel
        root# rpm -e postgresql-jdbc
        root# rpm -e postgresql-odbc
        root# rpm -e postgresql-perl
        root# rpm -e postgresql-python
        root# rpm -e postgresql-server
        root# rpm -e postgresql-tcl
        root# rpm -e postgresql-test
        root# rpm -e php-pgsql
        root# rpm -e postgresql

Now that you have postgres removed, you can begin the AccelNET installation.